MELANIE IS A MEANJIN/BRISBANE-BASED WRITER, editor and researcher. She is a graduate of QUT’s acting program and has a Doctorate in Creative Writing. In 2022 she was a winner of the Griffith Review Emerging Voices competition, and in 2018 she won the Queensland Literary Awards Glendower Award for an Emerging Writer. Her winning manuscript was published as Meet Me at Lennon's (UQP, 2019) and shortlisted for the 2020 Queensland Premier's Award for a work of State Significance and Courier-Mail People's Choice Award. Her work has been published in Kill Your Darlings, Overland, Arena Magazine, Griffith Review, Hecate and TEXT.
She was Artistic Director of Reality Bites Festival from 2012–2014. In 2013, she realised a long-held ambition to play Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire, and she once appeared on the ABC's The Einstein Factor based on her extensive and obsessive knowledge of all things Vivien Leigh. Her hobbies include fussing over her tuxedo cat Moosha and her outsized collection of indoor plants. She lives in a converted church on Brisbane's northside with her photographer partner Glenn Hunt.